Nantucket is a favorite place with my bike riding friends as long as the surfside hostel was open. The rest of the island is way too expensive. The pandemic closed the hostel and it got sold. End of story for the bike trips, but I did get a lot of great pictures to do paintings of.
I decided to keep a log of the time put in in producing this. F I usually paint from a photo and put it on top of my easel for a few days just looking at it and praying over it since art is a gift from god and and each painting is an act of worship. Then without any sketching I put painters tape across the panel where the horizon should be and I work that until mostly done. Then I paint below that horizon.
I kept account of how much time I was actually painting and this one came in at 4 hours plus thinking about it between sessions as I visualized what should come next. As usual a few mishapa along the way, but it worked out. I am also constantly photgraphing the painting to see how it will look on-line, which leads to several attempts to adjust it.
This one is for the 2016 trip and it was a special event. While the sun was setting, the full moon was rising from the ocean. I've enchanced the picture with some wave action. The sand was hard to get painted since it was so dark. As usual you can get Merchandise from Pixels by clicking the link
here's the painting
here's my reference photo
And here's the moon rise going on at the same time
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