I've been making a few changes to my Paramus Library Show information presentation. I have added the key word Paramuslibraryshow to my paintings I've on Pixels and then create a QR code with the resulting URL so people can access merchadise for them. I've also added this QR code to the ones for my basic info and same painting entries on Instagram and created an Information Center posted at the beginning of the paintings.
I went to the library to post these and found out a few issues. Seems the are quite a few people who don't have email and prefer a phone number instead.. They are also looking for business cards. So before I left I wrote my phone number on the the my information card and I hope I do not get inundated. I will have to bring a box of business cards. I was trying to have an relatively up-to-date exhibition, but there are a lot of "we like the old ways" people out there. Hope I don't have to use Morse Code for anything. I guess the average library patron is not that current.
I also tried to do a Facebook Live walk thru of the paintings, but I have Verizon and it does not penetrate in to the library and their Wifi is spotty. You will also find below a few of the art memes Ive posted
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