Number one - Sand. We've see amazing sidewalk chalk artistry that looks three dimensional, but here are some beach goers with the same idea
Most people see a dusty car and just scrawl "Clean Me' on it. But here's an example of artists
who see something dirty and ugly and make beauty from it. In fact, for British artist Ben Long dusty vehicles are one of his main canvas. From now on, try and pass try and pass a dusty vehicle and not do something about it.
another artist with the same idea
And now flame. Fire music!
I realize this is not about painting but its shows the artistic mind at work.
A couple of Danish physics students took a Rubens tube and assembled a device with rows of them and created a 2D pyro board to physically show music. When I was in an engineering college in the 70's a friend created a color organ using a frequency separator and attaching same color Christmas lights to each node. He then put the device in ceiling over his water bed and replaced the ceiling panel with a textured plexi-glass panel. We would lay on the his water bed in the dark and watch th music. None of us drank or smoked, so it was a close to a psychedelic as we cold come to.
The fire thing in the next step beyond that (thougt not in the ceiling) This could catch on! Could there be a 3D pyro board?
Here's an all flame music video
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