My library art show for the month of January is at the Cresskill, NJ public library.It will begin January 2nd. Cresskill is a nice quiet little town in the Northeast section of Bergen County NJ. The area the paintings will be displayed is out in the open (not a community room in the back somewhere) and right by the front door. Check the "Art Show" banner on top of the blog for the library's web site.
I've been doing these library shows for a year with minimal results in terms of sales (1 painting), but alot in terms of good reviews from people seeing them in the library. With the new websites by Yola and Vistprint (maybe Fineartamerica soon) maybe something will start to happen soon.
I will be posting pics of the library show setup next week.
quote - + I am out to introduce a psychic shock into my painting, one that is always motivated by pictorial reasoning: that is to say, a fourth dimension. Marc Chagall
Jack McKenzie Art --- Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide
About Me

- Jack McKenzie
- Paramus, New Jersey, United States
- No, this in not a blog about gardening in any way, but a journal of my journey to become a professional landscape painting artist. For years, I’ve given my paintings as wedding gifts without thinking of profiting in some way from it. I worked for 18 years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC as a computer programmer. I have been a painter since 1990, coincidentally, when I started working at the Met. I watched Bob Ross do his thing on Channel 13 in New York and decided I could do this, too. I have no formal training. I incorporate Bob's wet-on-wet technique for sky and water. My subject matter is covered bridges, lighthouses, fishing village scenes, barns, etc. Maine, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, Nova Scotia and Spain are some of the places I have painted. My style is detailed and sometimes people think a photo of the painting is an actual photo of the scene. I hope to continue and grow in this medium. I also like to cook & dance. I am also a committed Christian. I am taking commissions - painting your landscapes style photos or your vacation home. Prices on request. contact me - my website is
i'm doing july in cresskill! how far ahead did you book janurary? i'm trying to find a library that i can do a eariler month cause i want to do my purple show & finish out my color series. plus fine art america is a good site to upload your stuff too. I thought you already had one?