Two years ago, I instituted the First Baptist Hackensack Summer Art Gallery. My church's school has been displaying th art class's student art on the main board in the gym entrance way, so I decided to start summer art gallery for the members of the church to display thier talents, once the school lets out for the summer. It has been rather successful. I've included poetry, crocheting, architecural drawings, photography and any other visual, hangeable product no matter how old or young, whatever talent level. We've had as young as 8 and as old as 93. So now its time to begin the third one.
I post "press releases" in the church's weekly bulletin, on its web-page and FB age announcing that its coming up and issuing a call for artists to enter. It opens Father's Day. Pictures to come.
Press release
From: Office of The Curator
Subject: First Exhibitions for the 2015 Summer Art Gallery
For: Immediate release
The Curator is please to anounce the participants in the first exhibition of the 2015 Summer Art Gallery oprninh on Fathers Day, June 20th
The Art of Jack Mckenzie - The paintings he has finished in the past year
The Crocheted Wreaths of Shirley Morales - She will be displaying 16in wreaths depiciting the seasons, Christmas and a patriotic theme
We are looking for more artistcally talented people to display what they can do. Young or old, seasoned or just beginning.